The following is a list of restaurant inspections performed by the Angelina County & Cities Health District from June 15-16.
The reports take into account the cleanliness of the restaurant or business, not the quality of the food.
Snappy Food Mart, 100 Champions Drive, Lufkin
Reasons for violations: priority violations noted during current inspection; no bodily fluid cleanup kit on site; unable to verify food handler certifications during inspection, food handler’s certifications shall be available for review; observed tea cakes in front display area without proper labeling, person in charge was informed previously during pre-open inspection, ingredient information is needed by consumers who have allergies to certain food or ingredients, the appearance of a food should not be altered or disguised because it is a cue to the consumer of the food’s identity and condition; observed dust buildup of fans in walk-in cooler, general clean needed; observed black buildup on soft drink nozzles, nozzles shall be cleaned at a frequency to preclude accumulation of soil or mold, corrected on site, nozzles were removed and properly cleaned utilizing sanitation solution; observed boxes of single service items stored directly on floor; did not observe health permit posted in a conspicuous location to consumers.
General comment: employee health policy sign not posted, guidance was given. Person in charge said he would laminate it and post it. Person in charge stated pest control is coming out frequently to take care of recent issues with mice.
Orange Leaf Frozen Yogurt, 4505 S. Medford Drive, Lufkin
Reasons for violations: no certified food manager on site during inspection; did not observe food manager certification posted in a location that is conspicuous to consumers; observed ice scoop on top of ice machine, ice scoop shall be stored in a clean, protected location; “food packaged in a food establishment” shall be labeled as specified in law, including 21 CFR 101 — food labeling, and 9 CFR 317 labeling, marking devices, and containers; observed froyo cakes in front display freezer without proper labeling, ingredient information is needed by consumers who have allergies to certain food or ingredients; observed bare wood shelving under cabinets behind register area; observed black buildup on food and non-food contact surfaces of waffle machine; observed black debris on ice machine, increase cleaning frequency; observed water damage on cabinet doors behind self-serving area, non-food contact surfaces that are exposed to splash, spillage or other food soiling or that require frequent cleaning shall be of smooth and nonabsorbent material
Tasty Jax LLC, 2017 N. Raguet St., Lufkin
Reasons for violations: priority violation noted during current inspection; employees shall not utilize warewashing sink to wash hands; no food manager on site during inspection; small upright reach-in refrigerator not maintaining adequate ambient temperature, observed external thermometer at 45 degrees; observed hand sink utilized as storage, handwashing sink shall be easily accessible for hand washing; did not observe labeling of fill hose and water-holding tank; potable water inlet shall be secured to prevent any contamination, cover on inlet is required; food manager certification not posted in a conspicuous location to consumers; observed working containers in small upright reach-in refrigerator not labeled with common name of food; sour cream at 49 degrees, condensed milk at 50 degrees, cold hold shall be at 41 degrees or less, bacterial growth and/or toxin production can occur if time/temperature control for safety food remains in the temperature “danger zone” (of 41 to 135 degrees) too long; did not observe date-marking on working containers in small upright reach-in refrigerator; probe thermometer required on site to monitor food temperatures; observed plastic disposable containers stored directly on floor, single-service items shall be stored off the floor, corrected on site, containers moved off of floor.
General comment: food manager certifications shall be kept within the facility for review. A copy of the most current health inspection of the central preparation facility must be maintained on the unit at all times.
McDonalds No. 36593, 110 S. John Redditt Drive, Lufkin
Reasons for violations: observed ice scoop stored in tray full of water with some debris on top of ice machine, ice scoop shall be stored in a clean, protected location.
Pizza Hut No. 2712, 4505 S. Medford Drive, Lufkin
Reasons for violations: observed heater sitting on shelf made of bare wood in food-prep area by hand sink, surfaces shall be smooth, easily cleanable and nonabsorbent; did not observe thermometer in make-table/reach-in cooler, temperature-measuring device must be placed in a location that is representative of the actual storage temperature of the unit to ensure all time/temperature control for safety, foods are stored at least at the minimum temperature; observed gap underneath walk-in freezer door, repairs needed to prevent ice buildup near entry; observed non-food contact surfaces of pans with encrustations; observed food-contact surfaces of pans with encrustations; observed debris in upright reach-in cooler by make-table where pizza dough is stored, observed buildup of dirt and debris in reach-in cooler where soft drinks are stored, general clean needed, equipment shall be cleaned at a frequency necessary to preclude accumulation of soil residues; observed daylight coming inside from exit door, observed gap at the bottom of front door, protect outer openings to the food establishment to prevent the entry of insects and rodents; observed damaged and broken tile coving throughout facility; observed damaged ceiling tile in back area above water heater, repairs needed; observed damaged wall underneath hand sink by water heater; observed damaged wall at the bottom by make-table/reach-in cooler.
General comment: Work order has been placed for walk-in cooler.
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